Sunday, July 30, 2006

Some old film snapshots and one other....

Yep...just went through my photo album as I was packing up a bit (It's really rather depressing now) and I came across a few good ones and then one that one of my parents took on our trip to disney world.

They are all snapshots but I love them anyway

P.S. - Crappy scanner

What it was was that I had an interview for the newpaper I worked for at the time (Flipside) and I had to get the person's picture. So I only ended up using like 4 photos. So as for the rest I just took a bunch of snapshots (this was about 2 years before my digital camera).

The colors were amazing...I promise these look better on the actual photo than they do on the computer. The scanner doesn't like me. But anyways...

This one my youngest sister took of me and Audie (some of you know her through my earlier photos.

And This is one I took of three of my cousins as they were playing barbies or something. (the tallest one IS NOT the oldest rofl!)

And as for this was taken in December Disney World :) I loved it there...but dang we were all so tiny! (from left to right.......Kayla, Haelei, Alicia, Chance, Me). This was in one of the character's houses....that was an uncomfortable couch...

I love Alicia's expression! She's crying! She got in trouble for wandering off rofl!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

I NEED kids to photograph...

Yes I'm desperate! I'm so tired of taking photos of Faith. I have fun and I come up with some great shots....but Miss Pretty Beagle just aint satisfying my photography needs anymore! I'm a child Photographer! Not a Beagle photographer! Sorry Faith!

Don't get me wrong I LOVE photographing her....but I miss photographing people....that's my REAL passion.....

2 weeks till my first family session!

some Miss Pretty Beagle Photos!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Bleh and Amanda Keeys had Baby #4!

Days are getting shorter which is bad because I leave florida next friday for school and I'm nto ready yet. X.x I'm going to miss Kat. Terribly. I'll get to come back down for christmas but still.

Amanda Keeys had Baby number 4 on the 24th! Go look at her blog (see my Blog watch list on the side bar if you don't know the link). So cute!

Took these today. I like them. :)

"Of Cats and Dogs"
Taken: 7/26/06
Using my Kodak Easyshare DX7630

"Time Flew By"
Taken: 7/26/06
Using my Kodak Easyshare DX7630

Saturday, July 22, 2006

You're probably tired of Dog photos

But this one seems popular and I really like it so I thought I'd share it on here.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

More beagles..Getting close to my first session

Only a couple weeks left till my first Family session (though it's mostly a 2 year old and 2 month old session). Probably won't have the time to do the 2 year old session that I had wanted to do down here but ah well. I'll try during christmas.

Anyways here's one of Faith that I took yestrday when I was playing frisbee with her. it was fun but she got bored quicker than she did when I was giving her treats instead.

I used Peta's color action :)

Monday, July 17, 2006


Nothing much happening today. I may or may nto go to the park today and try and get some pictures.....but nothing ever happens there and I'm bored with it. the other parks are too far away....if it weren't goign to rain soon I'd take the long bike ride to one of the good parks.

Does this make anyone else dizzy?

Also edited another photo. I like the lighting in it but it doesn't do that much for me other than it being cute. I call it "Puppy Kisses" but yeah.

What do you all think?

Nothing else new today.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Going crazy

I think that I'm going crazy lol.

Last night shortly after my previous entry....I started getting an upset stomach. i figured it would be like the other upset stomach ache I've had where it turned out I was only hungry due to having dinner so early lately. So I went ahead and got me a slice of boston cream pie.

I should not have done that.

We went to bed around 1am and I slept uncomfortably for about an hour. At 2am I woke up feeling worse and agitated so I went to the bathroom (tmi I'm sorry lol). I came back out crying hysterically to Kat about how I did not want my lip peircing anymore because I was miserable and I couldn't lay down on my right side (the only cofortable side when I'm sick....and really the side I'm most comfortable sleeping on). Well she dragged me to the living room, where her mom was and by that point I was shaking really bad like I had just seen the boogeyman or soemthing (also something I wouldn't want to do). I kept refusing any medicine and then I finally took pepto and sat on the couch, STILL crying. After Talking to Kat for a while I decided to keep my lip ring (I'm aparently not good with bodily change - you should ahve seen me on the atkins diet...I broke down crying in Cracker Barrel because I was tired of eggs and bacon).

I'll get used to it. This is my first (and midn you my last) body peircing other than my ears.

Ok other things that are productive.... I'm currently in search for the Tulle that just screams "JENNA! MAKE ME INTO A TUTU!" hehe I'll have to wait till School starts though because I won't have the money for it yet. I need to compare prices from Wal-Mart, Michaels, JoAnns, and Ebay. But making tutus and little cute things for sessions and such is going to be my project over the school year. Learning how to make them.

Kat's Brother also came down for the weekend as a surprise for Kat and her mom (it was her mom's b-day) I should have taken pictures all weekend but I got lazy and didn't so I took a couple snapshots before we went to Golden Corral and the airport this morning.

As promised here is the beagle/Husky Mix puppy photo that I had tried to upload in my last entry but it wouldn't let me. Enjoy racing fans!

Saturday, July 15, 2006


I finally actually work on one. I've made so many but I beleive that this one will actually make mater how many times I change the color and the header. I am keeping this one..for sure! Still needs a little work but I figure I better get started. Lately I've been childess so I havn't had children around to photograph (I don't have any of my own yet). I have a 2 year old session coming up VERY soon so that makes me happy and then when I'm in WV for a week- week and a half- I have a couple family/children sessions and a couple teen sessions. So I'm excited about those!

Since I havn't had any children around to photograph I have found many other ways to practice. My favorites have been the Beagle/Husky Mix puppies! They are such cuties, all 11 of them(6 boys 5 girls). I've been over there twice for photos.

A couple of my favs..

The above was SOOC (for those who don't know what that means it's - Straight out of Camera) no editing other than resizing). The lighting was real bad that day so I felt lucky to get this shot. I may go back later just to enhance the color a bit but for now I'm keeping it the way it is.

The above TWO turned out pretty good. I learned a very helpful tool in the last photo. The Clone tool. Boy does that help! I was introduced to it before but forgot all about it! I LOVE IT! In the middle one I like how the blue goes with the door....and the action I caught in it. They were so cute playing right in front of me. I really like that door...I may have to get me JUST a door that color for photos haha!

Tomorrow I'm getting a few pictures of me taken so that way I can make me a couple new IDs (for here, DA, and Flickr). I now have a new lip peircing (Took me long enough to get it but I'm a wuss!) It's awesome I love it I wouldn't have it any other way! :P

oh! And for your amusement! I have to post this photo! Especially for you racing Fans!

grrr well it's not lettting me post it for some reason so I'll post it on my next post. You'll love it.

My lip hurts (I only got my lip peirced yesterday) so I'm going to get an ibuprofen.